Getting Started
Getting Started
Welcome to Our Clinic!
The Clinic is available to individuals and families throughout the surrounding community, as well as UNC students, faculty, and staff. Clients can refer themselves for assistance, and we gladly accept referrals from other mental health professionals. All clients undergo a phone screening to determine appropriateness for our clinic and for the best possible care.
Contact Us
Please use this form to contact us if you are a potential client or a clinician who would like to make a referral. You will be contacted by the clinic graduate assistant for a phone screening to ensure that our services are a good fit for you.
While we appreciate your eagerness to meet with us, both Clinics are solely appointment based and will not accept any walk-ins regarding appointments or information about the Clinics. Please make sure you have confirmed your appointment before arriving at the Clinic.
We have two clinic locations, Evergreen House, on campus, and the Finley Clinic, which is off campus, by Finley Golf course. Please make sure you are clear about where you will be meeting your therapist.
Before Your First Session
Initial Paperwork
Your first session will involve some paperwork that will be sent to you in advance by our clinic graduate assistant. These forms can be found online for your review.
If you would like the clinic to obtain information related to previous treatment you have had, you will need to complete a release from that provider. If you have been a client of our clinic and wish to have your records released to a specified individual or entity please fill out our release form. Requests are typically serviced in 5 business days or less.
Our clinic is not currently in network for any insurance plans and we do not directly file claims. Reduced fees are offered based on income. Separate fees have been established for some services, for example, assessments and the initial consultation fee for the Anxiety clinic. The fees will be discussed and established during the phone screening with our graduate assistant.
Payments can be made via our credit card portal, or may be made by mailing a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order on the date of each session to:
UNC-Chapel Hill, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
ATTN: Vanessa Morrison
Campus Box 3270, 235 East Cameron Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270
Upon request, we can provide a statement of the services that were provided, CPT code, the dates of visits, the diagnosis and your payment summary to assist in your reimbursement.
It is the client’s responsibility to check directly with their insurance company to ask about coverage for outpatient psychological treatment or assessment.
If you would like to check with your insurance company about reimbursement, the CPT code for individual therapy, child or adult, is 90837, and the CPT code for couples’ therapy is 90847.
The CPT codes for assessments completed by a licensed psychologist are 90791, 96130, 96131, 96136 and 96137. The CPT codes for assessments done by graduate student assessors and supervised by licensed psychologist are 90791, 96130, 96131, 96138, and 96139.
Please provide your insurer ALL the codes for assessment, as some of the codes are for planning, some for interviewing, and some for assessing, scoring and interpreting the test results.
As you will agree to when signing your Fee Agreement, payment is due as follows:
- For therapy sessions, payment is due in full at the end of each session
- For early kindergarten or gifted evaluations, payment is due in full at the first appointment
- For all other evaluations/assessments, half of the fee is due at the first session and the balance is due at the second session.
Encrypted Emails
To protect the security of clinic emails we use encryption. Please be aware of the following:
- If you have a email address the email will arrive with “secure” in the subject line and you will be able to open it directly.
- If you have an email address outside of the email network, the email message will arrive encrypted with the subject line: “You’ve received an encrypted message from…”
- When you open the encrypted attachment, you will have the option to access the message by signing in with a Microsoft account or by creating a one-time passcode.
- If you use the one-time password option, a numerical passcode will be sent to your email.
- If you indicate that your computer is secure you will have the option to directly open encrypted messages for up to 12 hours.
- If you have experienced recurring difficulties opening our encrypted emails, you have the option to provide your permission to receive emails that are unencrypted. To do so, please review the release form and instructions with your clinic provider.
Clinic Procedures
The outer entry doors at both clinics are always locked for security. When you arrive please ring the doorbell and your clinician will let you in.
As a courtesy to other clients, as well as to follow HIPAA rules, clients are not allowed unaccompanied access to rooms other than their own therapy room, the waiting room, and the restrooms.
Snacks are permitted in the lobby, but please clean up after yourself. Only water in containers is permitted in the therapy rooms, no food.
Since the Clinic does not have a receptionist, please talk with your clinician at the first appointment about the best way to reach them if you will not be able to make a scheduled appointment. We do not have a full-time staffed telephone number nor 24/7 emergency coverage. Follow this link for emergency services.
Please email us at, or leave a message on our voicemail, 919-962-6906, if you have questions about any of this information.